boredom and abandonment

2 min readFeb 27, 2024


this is not a proper writing.

this is another stage of boredom.

go create exciting activities then. but damn. it’s not about day to day activities. it’s a long term. i’m just so mad that everything, literally everything in my life, either it’s work related or anything else, bored me a lot.

i always trying to do different things in the weekend and make it as my excuse to always looking forward to weekend. but now it feels so boring. boring. there’s no something i can do anymore.

i want to go to new places but if i go by myself, it doesn’t excites me. i need accompany. but i have no one to ask to. (or i choose not to ask because we’re not on the same page per se).

learning new things. but what? or to get into something really hard i need someone to support along the way. do that together is way better. but i have no one to ask to.

it’s good that i don’t fall into that drowning phase. and the only thing that makes me sane enough to live is txt. but i know it doesn’t lead me to any productive action.

the works life. shit. i hate doing the same thing for fckin 3 years — and still going. i need to do something. but what?

can i just suddenly turn into someone else, living different life?

damnnnn. i hate current situation so bad. and people come and go. and it seems that so many people keep themself away from me, all at once. it’s even not lonely, but feels like abandonment.

i don’t know what to do this time.

Photo by drown_ in_city on Unsplash

